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This design is based on a children’s DIY craft kit. It is the least graphic of all the designs,

it is the words rather than images that carry the message.


For instance, the kit suggests using the family dog or other pets in order to source the fur.


This is intended to be thought-provoking and aims to make people think about their beloved pets in relation to the fur industry.


Would they kill their own pet in the name of fashion? No?

Then why is it okay to kill other animals for fashion?

This design is based on a children’s colouring book.

This design is probably the

most graphic out of the 3.


The image on the cover shows a realistic representation of a fur farm. Cages, blood and piles of discarded animal bodies.


This idea could easily be developed into a full, published colouring book to be used as part of the campaign. Passers by could be approached and asked to take part in a colouring competition. They could then be informed about the campaign and invited to help the cause.

This design is based on a children’s paper doll set, quite an old fashioned toy, but still recognisable.


This design wants to show the relationship between fashion and the fur trade. One doll is based on a fur farm worker,

and one doll is based on a fur- loving fashionista.


People need to understand and think about where fur products come from. Although the majority of people understand that fur comes from animals, they are ignorant to the reality of the process.


Respect for Animals' Brief:

Create a content campaign for Respect for Animals that will change the minds of people buying or wearing real fur, under the heading Fur for Animals.  


My campaign idea is to go for the shock factor, to defile children’s toys, to create a contrast between the innocent and the horrific.



I wanted to create images that appeared normal and innocent, but with a closer look, showed the awful reality behind the fur trade.



The inspiration for my campaign idea came partly from Banksy’s Dismaland, which was described as “a sinister twist on Disneyland.” It was incredibly popular and received a lot of attention.

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